SocraticGadfly: Nathan Newman drinks Obama ‘populist’ Kool-Aid

July 09, 2008

Nathan Newman drinks Obama ‘populist’ Kool-Aid

Ahh, the bloggers lining their ducks up at TPM. Nathan Newman is now drinking the Obama the populist Kool-Aid.

My reply:
Nathan, the only thing you’ve “proved” is that Obama’s Kool-Aid is tasty.

Obama still opposes gay marriages, and still says gay marriage issues should be left to the states. That’s a HUGE fucking pander.

Condemned bad trade deals? Let’s not forget Austen Goolsbee’s under the table talk to Canada during the primary season.

The bankruptcy bill and tax bills? As long as Goldman Sachs is BO’s top campaign contributor, color me skeptical.

Plus, Hillary voted NO on FISA renewal today, while BO voted YES.

Some populism, eh?

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