SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives talk measles, Southwest, more

February 27, 2025

Texas Progressives talk measles, Southwest, more

SocraticGadfly talked about the layoffs at Southwest.

Off the Kuff had an interview with two founding members of the Houston Progressive Caucus.

The measles outbreak in far west Texas continues to spread and may be getting undercounted. That said, per the Skeptical Raptor, no, vaccinated adults don't need a booster.

Robert Roberson has officially filed a new appeal.

Still unbelievable that, soon, there will be no Nieman Marcus in downtown Dallas.

I do not think that office buildings outside of downtown corridors (that's the key) should be allowed to convert to apartments without going through rezoning. You're wrong, Hughes.

Texas' abortion ban has caused a surge in sepsis.

Could renewable energy in Tex-ass be in danger since state Senatecritter Lois Kolkhorst (R-Cockwhore, thanks Brains) reintroduces a bill requiring permitting that failed in the House two years ago? Russell Gold looks at that and related.

Texas home insurance premium costs look to more and more mirror California's and the Lege doesn't have and isn't proposing answers.

Jim Davis' first move as interim UT head could be the start of a meataxe.

KFC is moving from Kentucky to Plano.

The Observer busts ICE's assistant chief counsel as a white supremacist.

Charles Perry's vision for Texas' water future is underpriced vs reality, anti-environmentalist and in denial of the realities of climate change. I'm surprised he talked to the Observer and saddened the Observer didn't push him more.

Facebook stands to make money off of removing fact checking; even more, so do liars.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project went to the well-attended and strongly-organized President’s Day 50501 protest against our national move towards autocratic government. We must show up for ourselves. 

Your Local Epidemiologist adds up the costs of "efficiency". 

Bayou City Sludge keeps us updated on Bitcoin, woke insurance companies, and (sigh) Sid Miller.  

Raise Your Hand Texas stumps for fully funded pre-K. 

In the Pink Texas goes full rom-com in trying to understand the Trump/Elon dynamic.

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