NOTE: I have expanded and reframed this piece, including talking about all of the "sides" on Russia-Ukraine issues, at Substack.
Note 2: Both here and at Substack, before posting that, I forgot to check Simplicius. Sadly, but not surprisingly, he, unlike the Dissident and people like me, ignores that Trump wants to establish an American imperium, just like the Nat-Sec Nutsacks™. It's a different one, and a nakedly transactional one, but it's still an American imperium. Simplicius may, or may not, have good battlefield analysis, but on the geopolitics of Russia-Ukraine, he seems content to, if not outrightly desireous of, nothing other than triangulating off Trump.
Yes, John Mearsheimer, in his latest, as of Friday, interview with Napolitano, is right about NATO expansion and Ukraine.
He’s half-right about EU expansion, at best, since the US is not a member of the EU and has conflicts with it, and will again the next four years over agriculture and other items.
And, yes, the Nat-Sec Nutsacks™ were and are indeed wrong, and so is
Zelensky for playing to them. Speaking of? Zelensky is of course wrong
to have cancelled Ukraine's presidential election. Hold the vote in the
part of the country you still possess. (And, per a commenter on Substack? Zelensky's never "undeclared" martial law and asked the Rada to confirm that. When you do that, you can indeed still hold an election. Whether it's wise to do so, or not, is another issue, including whether doing this, like actually trying to enforce Minsk, would put a price on his head. That said, otherwise? We in America held a presidential election in 1864 despite Southern states still in rebellion; also, Lincoln never considered a nationwide suspension of habeus corpus and nationwide declaration of martial law earlier in the war, Sept. 25, 1862 as suspending elections. Later, upon the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act of 1863, he did both the habeas suspension and martial law declaration in Kentucky on July 4, 1864; the presidential and lesser elections were still contested in Kentucky that fall. Also, we held midterm elections in 1814, shortly after the British burned Washington and while the country faced other invasion threats. Per Wiki, with no uniform election date then, elections ran from April 26, 1814 to August 10, 1815. Eight states were between Aug. 29 and Oct. 11, 1814. Finally, more than once, and most recently this weekend, Zelensky has promised to resign — with new elections following — in exchange for Ukraine getting into NATO.)
He’s all wet for not mentioning Trump’s shakedown of Zelensky even though he has a clip embedded in his video of Trump talking about the shakedown. Neocon fellow traveler Bret Stephens got that right.
If Roosevelt had told Churchill to sue for peace on any terms with Adolf Hitler and to fork over Britain’s coal reserves to the United States in exchange for no American security guarantees, it might have approximated what Trump did to Zelensky. Whatever one might say about how Zelensky played his cards poorly — either by failing to behave with the degree of all-fours sycophancy that Trump demands or to maintain his composure in the face of JD Vance’s disingenuous provocations — this was a day of American infamy.
I don't totally agree with the framing; FDR hadn't been egging Churchill on, for example. But, Bret's framing isn't all wrong, and it's better than Mearsheimer simply ignoring this issue.
And, right as of the moment John’s Substack went live, he was behind the curve because Zelensky just told Trump and Vance to fuck off. More here.
It's typical Trump transactionalism, that he's done for 50 years, since his 1970s Mob dealings in his early construction projects. It, to riff on a 2020 hashtag on Shitter, and an old Trump book, is "The Art of the Steal."
Mondoweiss gets it totally right here, in talking about Trump and direct negotiations with Hamas, which have some in Israel worried.
Donald Trump is very difficult to predict. His mercurial, transactional, and self-centered approach to policy is often ill-defined and is subject to change on a whim as he fancies himself more king than president.
Well put. If only Mearsheimer would put that on an equal footing with his desire to own the neocons.
Speaking of Dum Fuqs? Beyond both Trump and Zelensky being headstrong, it looks like Bagger Vance was a key fuck-up yesterday. And, no, Zelensky didn't campaign for Harris. Per Bagger Vance flapping his mouth, he wants Zelensky, under the guise of "accept(ing) there are disagreement" to "accept a cave-in." I mean, the WSJ editorial board, in an official editorial, said Vance massively screwed the pooch.
Finally, no, John, not all of Russia is Caesaropapist Orthodox worshipers with traditional values, no more than the US is. Look at all of Pussy Riot’s fandom. Gack. Do you really believe that? If so, you may be a great geopolitical strategerist, but a cultural sociologist you are not.
It doesn't make Trump right, contra either you or Noam Chomsky. God, what a Dum Fuq he was, and even more than Mearsheimer, in a position and of a mindset to know better. I still have no idea why Chomsky thought that. With Mearsheimer, I do. It's his idea of "owning the neocons."
I'm with The Dissident. This is clearly a both sides at fault issue. Zelensky has played to the Nat-Sec Nutsacks™ but at the same time, Trump did rip off the mask of empire. (Actually, he did that with the rare earth minerals etc. shakedown itself; this was a doubling down on that.)
The Dissident is also right on the neo-Nazis in Ukraine putting Zelensky in a bind. If he did accept this, per the likes of Ivan Katchanovski, he'd be a walking dead man without something like UN peacekeepers.
The background to all this? The person to blame more than anybody else is Uncle Joe Stalin as Lenin's Commissar of Nationalities. No, really.
And, not a Dum Fuq but a Cock Whore? I thought Bret Baier's post-explosion interview of Zelensky would be better than him asking if he should apologize to Trump.
A lesser Dum Fuq? Danny Davis, who hosted Mearsheimer Friday afternoon. Their exchange starting here, followed by a clip of Zelensky talking to either the people of Ukraine or its government a day or two before coming here, reads things into what Zelensky said, at least then.
Then there's Mearsheimer taking off his own mask:
"What Trump wants is what's best for Ukraine."
WHAT? As I commented on his YouTube:
A real non neocon president who's ALSO not a shakedown artist wouldn't be offering Zelensky a take it or leave it holdup at gunpoint. As The Dissident said on Substack, Trump is just practicing a new version of the American Empire, different angles of play. And if you, and Danny Davis, Napolitano and others refuse to accept THAT, and to talk about THAT, you're part of the problem yourselves.
And, I stopped watching at that point. (That comment is at about the 11-minute mark.)
If we take Mearsheimer as a third side, there's at least four sides on the Russia-Ukraine issue. Actually, there's at least five.
1. Nat-Sec Nutsacks™ shading into neocons
2. Zelensky, et al, who probably still represents a plurality of Ukrainians vis a vis the shakedown, without a lot of concrete guarantees, being offered for peace
3. Trump and his sheeple. (On Substack, I thought that would cut more than "MAGAts")
4. Mearsheimer-types who, while not Trumpian sheeple, have as their ultimate desire on this issue the desire of owning the neocons to the point that they can't condemn Trump. (A LOT of people on his YouTube said, too bad he and Bagger Vance won't talk to Bibi that way. Mearsheimer wishes that were so, and the Trumpian sheeple do not.)
So, I'm on the same side as, say, Ivan Katchanovski.
That said, about everybody of all stripes are right is that this meeting shouldn't have happened at this time in general and certainly not in public. Also, Zelensky should have brought an interpreter.
Update: It's interesting that Trump's advisors have spent the 48 hours since the meeting in massive spinning. Presuming the Guardian, AP, Beeb, NYT etc. asked him and them for comment, Zelensky and advisors are presumbly, albeit a bit too late, maintaining radio silence.