The Friends of Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge support group has come up with a new one, that ... well, on things like monarch butterflies and the dunes sagebrush lizard, reflect US Fish and Wildlife's "environementalism lite," if I'm being charitable.
A week from today, at the refuge, you can "learn" (be indoctrinated) on how oil rigs (allegedly) benefit the refuge. No, really!
First, the backstory. Hagerman is on the south side of Lake Texoma. When the Army Corps of Engineers (also "environmentalism lite" if that) was building Denison Dam in the 1930s to back up what would become Lake Texoma, it had an approximate but not exact idea of what the lake's boundaries would be at normal high water, normal low water, floods etc. So, it bought out private landowners, plus a "cushion," and also some higher-land areas that were basically mostly surrounded by buyout land, as well as farmers, or ranchers, willing to sell worn-out cotton lands or overgrazed ranch land.
Problem? Just one.
Because there wasn't much if any oil drilling yet in this area, the feds bought only the surface estate and not the mineral rights. Now, you have more than a dozen muleheads on the high-ground areas, with oil tank storage batteries and such near them. That's bad enough as far as leakage pollution.
You have another dozen or so muleheads on pads that extend into Big Mineral Arm of Lake Texoma, and so ooze bits of oil into the lake.
This map shows the in-lake pumpjacks on those "islands" with mini-"isthmuses" leading to them:
Now, the fore-story.
E&E News had a story a full decade ago, based out of Hagerman, from a large flood there, about problems with FWS oversight of oil and gas on refuge. Looks loverly in that image, doesn't it?
The Mary Maddux who is hosting Hagerman's presentation next week is cited there. And, speaking of? Did you know that FWS has "oil and gas specialists"? Yee gads.
Here's more fore-story, in general:
As far back as 1984, the General Accounting Office found that over 90 percent of FWS managers with oil and gas exploration or production in their refuges considered such activities a threat to natural resources. Five years later, GAO, which now stands for the Government Accountability Office, concluded that fossil fuel production was "incompatible" with the refuge system’s mission and recommended "bold action" to address the conflict.
Yet there are still 5,002 oil and gas wells on 107 of the National Wildlife Refuge System’s 563 units, according to a study from FWS researchers published April 27 in PLOS ONE, a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal. Nearly a third of those wells — 1,665 — are in active production.
There's more at the link.
Meanwhile, that story gets into the backstory again, not just for Hagerman, but in general:
The service’s authority to regulate the oil and gas activities of people who retained their rights to minerals when they sold lands to the federal government "is limited under current law," the watchdog said in a report more than a decade ago. ...
In interviews, refuge officials in Texas and Oklahoma said they have few options to oversee oil and gas activities on FWS lands other than to rely on producers to prevent spills or leaks as well as to stop and recover from them when they do occur.
Enforcement is largely left up to state regulators and, in serious situations, U.S. EPA, officials said.
There you are. Actually, not quite. There's more local stuff from that 2015 story, too:
In a similar 2012 incident at the Hagerman refuge, a brine leak killed 84 hardwood trees that were each more than 2 feet in diameter and over 150 years old. The spill affected 2 acres on the forested uplands of the refuge and caused about $154,000 worth of damage. FWS could only get the operator to develop a brine management plan and pay $30,000 into a mitigation fund.
Now, it's possible that things have changed since then. But, likely? That was halfway into Dear Leader's second term, with him facing GOP majorities in both houses of Congress. Then came Trump. Then Biden, focused on other things, but still "all of the above" on energy, and facing a hostile Congress the second half of his term. So, while the GAO had six recommended changes, I doubt many, if any, of them happened.
But, we're not done!
We have 2015 bullshit from Maddux:
In the grand scheme, FWS oil and gas specialist Maddux doubts the leak she spotted May 28 — estimated at 30 gallons of oil — will do significant damage to Hagerman or the plants and animals on the 12,000-acre refuge.
"They have it under control right now," she said last week of the leaseholder, Houston-based Blackwell Oil Production. The spill is "still going to have impacts, but they’re going to be minimal."
Contradicted by the refuge's then-manager:
But the bigger concern for refuge manager Kathy Whaley is the overall impact of oil and gas operations at Hagerman.
During spring and fall, when temperatures fluctuate wildly, the refuge can experience a minor fuel or brine leak every couple of weeks, she said. Additional drilling in the refuge also cuts into the habitat relied upon by Endangered Species Act-protected whooping cranes, least terns and piping plovers, along with other wildlife native to the area.
"What I think is important for us to be thinking about now and in the future is, not only just site-by-site impacts but cumulative effects," said Whaley, who has worked at FWS since 1990. "At some point, it’s very likely you’re going to get where you’re not going to meet your mission."
There you go.
The refuge itself did a simulation of a major tornado hitting the site and causing oil spill problems six years ago.
Add in that, if you don't have mulehead pumpjacks in the middle of the refuge, you don't have power poles stringing out power lines to them, either.
Update: Rather than this blog, I posted a link to just the 2015 story to the Friends of Hagerman Facebook group on the afternoon of Monday, Feb. 3. Crickets so far.