SocraticGadfly: ‘Expelled’ producers set new low in cluelessness

April 17, 2008

‘Expelled’ producers set new low in cluelessness

Did Mark Mathis, the associate producer of creationist (I’m sorry, Intelligent Design) Goebbels-level agitprop flick “Expelled,” really expect a positive review from Scientific American? I’ve already blogged in the past about the lies and other immorality of people associated with “Expelled”; apparently lack of brains accompanies lack of ethics.

But, apparently, Mathis et al, did expect huzzahs and hallelujahs from SciAm, enough so that they offered the magazine a private screening.
Associate producer Mark Mathis showed up at our offices with a preview of “Expelled” in hand. That's right, the unexpected screening happened. The unexpected positive reviews did not.

Of course, ideally, SciAm would have said, “Sure, we’ll give it a private screening. And, by the way, P.Z. Myers will be in the audience.”

The magazine does offer a bonus of Six Things Ben Stein Doesn’t Want You to Know.

That includes an editing/production lie implying Stein spoke at a packed campus of college students, beyond the more obvious lying that’s been blogged and reported elsewhere.

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