
May 06, 2008

Zogby says his latest polling has Barack Obama with a statistically insignificant 2 percent lead over Hillary Clinton in Indiana.

Two issues, though.

First, every other poll of significance disagrees with Zogby.

Second, Indiana has open primaries, and in downstate GOP strongholds, there’s First, every other poll of significance a lot of party-switching — enough that some areas are worried about running out of Democratic ballots.

Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham didn’t go on the air in the past week urging GOPers to vote Hillary, so I have no guess whom this benefits. Hillary-haters could want her on the ballot, or Republicans who think Obama has too much Jeremiah Wright baggage could want him on the ballot.

And, who knows how well any of the polls are at picking up on ballot switchers?

We’ll find out in a couple of hours.

That said, if Zogby is right, Clinton needs to face reality and pack it in.

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