SocraticGadfly: Maybe you're part of the problem, Mr. Fineman

January 15, 2005

Maybe you're part of the problem, Mr. Fineman

Howard Fineman recently talked about the demise of the mainstream media as a "political party." He complains about Bush not holding press conferences as being part of this demise.

Well, people like you in the MSM who sucked up to Bush, especially during his march to war, while he continued to not hold press conferences, are part of what caused this problem, aren't you?

Absent a British parliamentary system, the adversarial role of the press in modern America is vital. But people like you rolled over and played dead the past four years. And once you got steamrollered on Iraq, Bush had, to quote his dad, "Big Mo."

Only thing is, unlike his dad, he knew how to use it. And use it he did, tragically.

So, go look in the mirror next time you blog something like this, Howard.

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