SocraticGadfly: Born-again Christians continue to be hypocrites

January 12, 2005

Born-again Christians continue to be hypocrites

Even on a serious sexuality issue

Born-again Christians sure don’t act like they’re born again.

And no, that’s not carping or sniping from liberal mainstream Protestants

Instead, it comes from the quasi-official “house organ” of evangelicalism, Christianity Today.

As reported by evangelical polling guru George Barna, not only do born-agains divorce as often as the population at large, they also have just about as high a percentage who think extramarital, not just premarital, sex is OK, and have a higher percentage of people lacking at least some degree of racial tolerance.

Read the whole report. I know, yesterday I said the religious right bore watching over the rabid fervor some of them have for intelligent design, and that this fervor, in turn, really was a reflection of their concern for a perceived decline in American morals.

Need I cite Jesus’ own words about pulling planks out of their own eyes first?

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