SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives talk McCraw, Paxton, Palestine and legal "fixes"

August 26, 2024

Texas Progressives talk McCraw, Paxton, Palestine and legal "fixes"

Steve McCraw is retiring from running DPS rather than fess up to everything it got wrong at Uvalde. Yeah, yeah, per the story, and his letter, there are other stated reasons. But the timing stinks and sure looks like that. No, really. The Observer covers McCraw's reinstatement of Ranger Ryan Kindell, the DPS trooper he fired over Uvalde a year ago. The Observer notes that the reinstatement quashed Kindell's appeal hearing AND came just three weeks before McCraw's announcement.

Ken Paxton, alleged Hispanic vote intimidator. LULAC is right. That's because, just a week earlier, as now confirmed, Kenny Boy was shown to be a First Amendment censor — and a liar about federal law on nonprofits and advocacy.

Kamala Harris and the DNC are right to not see Tex-ass as a battleground. As for Gilberto Hinojosa talking about putting your money where your mouth is, the skipper of the TDC Minnow should do better first. Chris Hooks at the Monthly has more, but, with their paywall firming up, I can't tell you what.

Related? Off the Kuff considers the first post-Biden poll of Texas.

The migrant death rate continues to climb (presumably dropping with the falling attempted entry rate now), the Observer reports.

SocraticGadfly offered advance kudos to the pro-Palestinian activists at and around the DNC, then, updating throughout the week thoroughly skewered Shepard Fairey in Photoshop.

Meet the lies behind the home schooling push nationwide. 

Note to Texas Public Radio, and to many many Texans: Sex is not gender. That said, the DPS policy is wrong re transsexuals, who should indeed be allowed to change their sex of identification on a driver's license. And, shock me this is at the behest of Kenny Boy Paxton.

Gretchen Whitmer has failed on many promises, including many that involve no needed legislative action, like more executive branch government transparency. Sounds like the Democrats in the Colorado Lege on that. Instead, with things like non-disclosure agreements, she's even gone backward.

In his weekend link roundup, Kuff semi-fellated by posting without comment Chick-Fil-A into streaming. As its sammiches are bland white meat chicken on bland white buns for bland White people to do virtue signaling, I suspect its streaming is the same. Plus, Kuff ignored the religious rightism of its ownership.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project read the 90 page report on the HPD suspended cases scandal. You want to know who is letting criminals back on the streets in great number? HPD! 

 Steve Vladeck explains why the SCOTUS ruling on Title IX is both a big deal and a huge mess. 

 Law Dork outlines what Kamala Harris needs to be saying about court reform. 

 Raise Your Hand Texas documents why Texas needs to invest more in pre-K. 

 Space City Weather and The Eyewall warn against calling this hurricane season a bust. 

 Your Local Epidemiologist presents a guide to Fall 2024 vaccines.  

Houstonia begs you to drive less on the highways and more on the regular roads.

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