SocraticGadfly: These boots were made for protesting and for telling Shepard Fairey to fuck off

August 19, 2024

These boots were made for protesting and for telling Shepard Fairey to fuck off

Virtual roll call presidential votes? No diff.

Zionist Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker's threats? Not a problem.

The indifference of Conservadem leaders in the Shiny Pointy Abandoned Object State like Charles Kuffner? Can't stop anything.

Activists who had planned to protest Genocide Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago paused, took stock, then said they're doing the same with Kamala is a Zionist Cop Harris.

Per the story, Harris made her own bed with her "I am speaking now" comment to protestors a couple of weeks ago. That said, they were protesting because she had already started dropping the mask and/or they'd seen through the mask's fakery.

“Don’t fall for the wolf in sheep’s clothing,” said Andy Thayer, who is a longtime progressive organizer and a leader of a protest scheduled for Sunday. “Harris has made it clear that she is standing behind Israel 100 percent and is not going to stop the flow of arms to Israel.”

That's the bottom line.

Of course, you can decide to be a "pergressuve" and kiss Kamala's ass and tell both her and yourself that it smells like roses.

Or you can be Shepard Fairey, as pictured at left, and decide you're going to grift.

No shock there, and if he's doing like he did in 2008 and stealing a licensed photo AND USE IT COMMERCIALLY, there's plenty of grift.

And, the message he has to go with that artwork shows he's a typical #BlueAnon tribal pergressuve.

In his message going with the "Backward" poster, he can't be bothered to mention things like Zionism and genocide. And, I told his PR flak listed in the piece exactly that.

If that's not enough, let's let me show you what I thought of Fairey in 2008.

There you are.

Change is still cheap when you're offering pergressuve pseudo-change at 10 cents on the dollar, whether you're Dear Leader, Kamala Harris or Shepard Fairey. (Yes, my Photoshopping.)

The first such protest was Sunday night, and not primarily about Palestine. Rather, post-Dobbs, it was about national Democrat hypocrisy in reproductive choice issues, first and foremost. It was also about sexual alignment issues, second, but third, also looped in Gaza protests.

Kamala is a Zionist Cop campaign manager, per that story, claimed that staff, but not the head cheese, met with both Arab American and Jewish American leaders from Michigan earlier. Wayne County Assistant Executive Assad Turfe claimed it was "incredibly productive." How many people in Dearborn who aren't Democratic officialdom think that?

And, because Fairey doubled down on his dreck in 2012, I doubled down on the non-duopoly skewering (it's a skewering, not a parody, or not just a parody) of that.

But, you know what?

You know what?

I was further inspired this afternoon, and I was in Photoshop already, so ready to act on that inspiration.

Yes, act.

As I fill in bits more lorem ipsum for formatting space.

I was really inspired.

You'll see.

This inspired:

And more honest than Shepard Fairey-Tale.

What's worse, per his Wiki page, is that Fairey produced this AFTER ADMITTING in 2015 that Dear Leader didn't come close to living up to expectations.

In an interview with Esquire in 2015, Fairey said that Obama had not lived up to his expectations, "not even close".[79] He continued, "Obama has had a really tough time, but there have been a lot of things that he's compromised on that I never would have expected. I mean, drones and domestic spying are the last things I would have thought [he'd support]."[80]

In other words, we're in "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice ..." territory with Fairey. 

But wait, it's worse YET per his Wiki:

This work is a mural for Urban Nation in Berlin, Germany. The street art was created in 2014 by Fairey. The work became a motto for street artists and demonstrated Fairey's political support for anti-war movements and peace. The work was made like traditional street art with spray paint and features many of Fairey's motifs and symbols from other works. This repetition includes the black and red cartoon-like style with repetition of symbols such as roses.

So, Fairey is not only a gaslighting grifter, he's a flat-out hypocritical one.

Update, Aug. 21:

And, as long as you fucktards keep posting new stuff by Shepard Fairey or riffing on him?

I'm going to keep kicking your ass in Photoshop.

Instead of the vacuousness of "Rise," can't we rise above 35-year-old Palestinians born in refugee camps, presumably spending all their lives there — until raped by the IDF

Meanwhile, Ryan Grim notes that Kamala is a Zionist Cop and the DNC wouldn't even let a DNC-vetted person from the "Uncommitted" movement speak. Here, via Mother Jones, is what George state Rep. Ruwa Romman would have been saying. That said, what will she and leaders of the "Uncommitted," which has a Twitter, be doing in November? As I just told them, it's time to shit or get off the pot. (I note their Twitter nameline has a pink hibiscus flower type version of a DSA Rosey rose.)

Mondoweiss spells it out with the story title: "Message from the DNC: The Democrats do not care about Palestinians."

Seth Ackerman spells it out with noting that this genocide is approaching Pol Pot's Cambodia.

The Nation, basically hypocritically, let Kareem Elrefai call out AOC for throwing Gazans in the ditch. But, come November, we know what The Nation will officially say. Don't be fooled by this.

Brains' weekly funnies are primarily about the DNC.

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