SocraticGadfly: Third party and other political news, Aug. 30

August 30, 2024

Third party and other political news, Aug. 30

Jill Stein remains on the Wisconsin ballot for now. But Democraps, after an initial legal screw-up, said they'll be back.


She and Claudia de la Cruz both, among others, beat back a Democrap attempt in Georgia.


While I don't advocate blocking anybody, as an individual independent, or as a minority party, from the ballot? Ballot overload, at least in "jungle" primaries," can decrease voter participation. The research is restricted to that, and specifically to Louisiana's infamous jungle primary. The researchers promise to broaden their scope.


Brainworm Bobby dropped out last week. And, yes, chuds, per Mr. Spock's "a difference that makes no difference IS no difference," his "suspension" IS dropping out. As I posted on Independent Political Report, a Google search of "Robert F. Kennedy" plus "dropped out" draws hits from everybody from USA Today to Fox News.

Related? There's someone probably almost as nutbar as Nuña the Nutter (a beaner!) on IPR, maybe as bad or worse, and definite much worse on logarrhea.


Cort Greene said...

How does a a group of 33 votes in its primary in Wisconsin consider itself a party (or any state, some Green primaries how much less support)? The Labor and Farm Party which the Greens come from was a grass roots, attacked issues that concerned many people and had great organizers. The Greens do nothing in the state or nation wide.

Gadfly said...

I'll assume Cort Greene is a BlueAnon. Cort, do you repudiate, or NOT, the Wisconsin Democratic Party's attempts to remove the GP (which are not limited to 2024, let's not forget)?

Also, you're ignorant.

As in most states, Greens, like Libertarians, hold a convention, not a primary. And, at least here in Tex-ass, there's duopoly bullshit about that, too.

Any uninformed reply by you will either be held in moderation, or if posted, will get an informed follow-up to your bullshit, just as this one is.

Cort Greene said...

Well, to begin with I'm a Rojo Rojito not Blue at all (I do believe in democracy though unlike Jill) a member of the Green Party for over 20 years and more of a Peter Camejo type of Green but farther to the left. Very familiar with the history of the Greens in Wisconsin and the forerunners thereof, the Wisconsin Labor and Farm Party. A organizer with them, fought the Nazis, Klan, Sparts, Moonies and the JDL in the streets, organize the first demo in the states around El Salvador (2000 people in a snowstorm Feb 81', many years organizing around apartheid in the state, taking over the capitol several times and the Dem Tony Earls office weeks at a time (probably costed him the election), banks and
state investment boards several years and In the mid 1980's, there was a burgeoning solidarity movement with the plight of the Palestinians that had a few major rallies and were active on campuses.

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, there were student organizations, community groups and organizers who had joined in trying to create a space for the Palestinian movement. The General Union of Palestinian Students had fractions of Fatah ( Arabic: فتح, formally the Palestinian National Liberation Movement) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP; al-Jabha al-Shabiyah li-Tahrir Filastin, al-Jabhah al-Shaʿbīyyah li-Taḥrīr Filasṭīn) and along with supporters of the left-wing member's the 'Ant Bridge Party' on campus ( I was a worker organizer, lobbyist for the WSA and the campaign manager that won the election)) and other student groups & with a few left-wing organizers of the Labor–Farm Party of Wisconsin (LFP) and supporters of the long time distinguished labor leader; Kathryn Christensen and at that time,President of 1199-P of the National Health Care Workers' Union and were repressed with divisions created within their organizations for their worldview on politics and support thereof for the Palestinians.*Side note* After its dissolution in 1987 of the (LFP) caused by infighting, egged on by outside forces, several party members then went on to form the Progressive Party and the Wisconsin Green Party in the 1990s.

The leader and organizer of that repression, was Dean of Students Paul Ginsberg at the UW-Madison, who had been a lengthy supporter of Zionism, a member of the Milwaukee Zionists (also Golda Meir, a PM & the 'Iron Lady" of Israel) he was a combatant for the Irgun, or Etzel,which was a Zionist 'terrorist' paramilitary organization that operated in Mandatory Palestine between 1931 and 1948; which was responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on July, 22 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre that killed at least 107 Palestinian Arab villagers, including women and children & other acts terrorism against Palestinian Arabs, the British authorities and assassinations of British soldiers... Ginsberg along with the comic Steve Marmel ( now at Disney Channel), the Liberal Zionists, the tankies of that day, several groups like the Common sense Coalition and such.

Donna Shalala, a descendent of Lebanese Maronite Christian-Catholics, who has been going to Israel since 1960, has played an active role as a supporter of the state of Israel since her days in administration at Hunter College, to government appointments, batting clean-up for Ginsberg at the UW-Madison, working as President at the University of Miami (an outpost for the CIA), a member of "the Friends of "Israel" Initiative", which opposes the attempts of illegitimating "Israel", a member of Congress, Clinton Foundation and now President at the New School for Social Research-University a graduate institution in New York City, who was spotted coordinating with the NYPD before the arrests of student and protesters their.

Cort Greene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gadfly said...


First, I know who Camejo is.

Second, while I'm not a fan of Stein's, I'll still disagree with some observations about the party. (I also know who "AccommoGreens" are, per my term — search this site) and more. While not being as active as you, in the past more than now, I had some degree of activity in Tex-ass Greens, and an familiar with the degree of AccommoGreens here.

At the same time, I know, imperfect as the ramp-up to a national party was in 2004, Ralph Nader got butt-hurt and took his ball home because, just like with Ventura in 2020 and West this year, he couldn't get a coronation. (Also, people who think Nader is a leftist — don't know your thoughts on him — should look at both his political stances, and personal stances as a boss — on labor.) And, on the 2004 fallout, I've argued with Jeff St. Clair on this too.

The final issue is? That Wisconsin party has been dead for 30 years, or more like 35. Why you're bringing them up here to attack the Green Party as a national organization, since their dissolution happened long before the formation of the national GP out of various state parties, I have no idea.

As for "tankies" (or "Trots")? If PSL and de la Cruz are "tankies," well, I'm voting for the tankie this year, instead of either the Green or the Democrat. Other than not voting, do you have a better option?

Cort Greene said...

The original modern day tankies of Sam Marcy (all 5 parties including PSL and WWP), NGO's and front groups) were never Trots. Marcy (Ballard) was a member of the CP-USA until 43'. He caused many disruptions inside the SWP supported Wallace in 48' against the SWP candidates and was always a Stalinist. As for Stein, how come she gets a pass for first trying to rig the election first for Brother West, then Brother West goes the Peoples Forum see's all the the tankies for Putin and Dugin runs away, she then rigs it for herself. The Greens of are full of Dugin fascist supporters and the multi polar World. From Margret Kimberly, Stein 2016 VP, McKinney in 2008 was already of member of the LaRouche movement and he had been working with Dugin since 96' when Dugin formed the National Bos's and tricks. Marcy and his parties since 2000 have worked with Dugin. Jill is going to defend Dugin supporters in Tampa on Sept. 3rd around the issue of Freedom of Speech for fascist supporters.

Cort Greene said...

You assume many things and before I do, you support the PSL? Look where they get their money and they support the fascist Dugin and his multi Polar World big time. They have as Marcy-ites for over 20 years

Cort Greene said...

Mr. Gadfly, I am still active as I ever was, in Venezuela at this time. Still waiting on why you are supporting the Red-Brown Alliance, if my assumption is correct. Jill spoke at the the Rage against the War Machine, a Red Brown Front look at all those fascist who spoke. Hedges MC. Defending Russian fascist supporters in Tampa Sept. 3rd, nothing from ya. Still waiting

Cort Greene said...

I know those who don't know the history are kind of surprised but I do enjoy your writings but hopefully you stop assuming so much.

Gadfly said...

I read enough to know that we're now into SEP's PR world. And, no, I'm not total fans of them, and I've said on Twitter, Kishore et al can stop bashing the PSL as soon as they get on half as many state ballots.

And, I know enough about the SEP to know that Kishore himself, at least, is a China-tankie. And, he is.

And, yes, with this, the conversation is done.

Gadfly said...

In addition? Margaret Kimberly is a nut. So is Danny Haiphong. Black Agenda Report went in the tank and started drinking the Xi Jinping Kool-Aid along with other China-tankies after Bruce Dixon died.

Cort Greene said...

jajaja, runaway - runaway Not much into the great step children (twice removed) of the SEP, wsws & British leftist Gerry Healy (especially since his conspiring with James Cannon of the SWP back in the day around representation of the 4th International after WW2 and being a sexual predator later in life) but you go vote for your Russian fascist supporting PSL also.

Gadfly said...

OK, I published that one more for laughs. And, yes, that's why. As a Trot, even a truer believer than the SEP, I've little doubt that in today's world, you're also a China-tankie.
Given everything else you've said about "Russian fascist" only offers confirmation in my book.

Gadfly said...

Cort is also supporter of Zionist genocide, another reason you'll not be commenting here any more.

Gadfly said...

Also, why the fuck would a Trot get involved with a barely socialist if that org like the Greens? Sounds like "entryism" and yet one more reason Cort won't be commenting here more.
Go recruit your Xi Jinping Thought Trot-tankies elsewhere.

Gadfly said...

Further reinforcing my guess this is about "entryism," both with the start of the Wisconsin GP and today? Even after I told him that was it, Greene keeps posting.

I moderate comments, and set comments to be moderated long ago due to Indian spammers.

I've occasionally had other reasons to be glad for that, but you've taken it to a whole new level. Bye, entryist.

Gadfly said...

One final note for Cort Greene and other current VERY SMALL membership of the SWP: What happens after your LaRouche (he is) bossman Jack Barnes dies? (I'll be looking more in depth at the SWP next week.)