SocraticGadfly: Not just a selfie but a camera-selfie!

August 28, 2024

Not just a selfie but a camera-selfie!

Saw the photo at left as the first photo in a slider of pix from a visit to Rocky Mountain National Park, in a post at Reddit's r/nationalpark.

I said:

A camera-selfie for first photo? OK.

The OP responded:

That’s right! I’ll make sure to do that for the next post just for you bud

If he thought he was owning me, by votes, he wasn't.

That said, OP Vince McMan, show me you're a stereotypical junior Reddit chud by having the "18+" symbol on your account. (God, the amount of doorknobs with that ...) And, add to that stereotyping set-up by having that as your user name.

Camera-selfies of a big, long "zoom," and zoom in square quotes for a reason?

Similar to big-ass belt buckles here in Tex-ass. It's called "projection," and I don't mean in the videos sense.

And, since I not only live in Tex-ass but get paid to shoot photos here in Tex-ass, I can say that!

I can also add, without taking photos of it, that my "zoom" is at least as big as yours.

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