
October 17, 2024

Voters of Tomorrow? Full of shit, and even more, full of sellouts

I'm voting for the Communist, not Jill Stein, but I can still call out Blue Anon PR groups, who think they're cute, but are actually full of shit. And full of sellouts.

And, Voters of Tomorrow  founded by Santiago Mayer, is exactly that. Per their Wiki, they endorsed Genocide Joe in March, then Kamala is a ZionistCop as soon as she pushed him aside.

Now, per Stein's campaign email account, they're attacking her with a not-serious, and presumably full of shit, TikTok campaign.

Their website hoists them by their own petard:

Too many politicians have failed our generation by putting their futures over ours.

Really. As I said on Twitter, this would be:

Kamala is a Cop? Kamala is a Zionist Cop? Kamala is a Friend of Banksters?

There you go. Putting banksters and Zionists, and provoking Russia into unnecessary war, is putting your futures first how?

Also per their Wiki:

In 2022, Voters of Tomorrow published its "Gen Z Agenda," a legislative platform based on polling of college students nationwide. The platform contains policies including raising the minimum wage, abolishing the filibuster in Congress, protecting abortion rights, preventing gun violence, and combating climate change.[25][4] Voters of Tomorrow claims it lobbied The White House and over 100 Congressional offices on its "Gen Z Agenda" in 2022 and boasted its progress in certain areas.

Really? Dems could have done LOTS more to federalize Roe when Dear Leader was president, especially his first two years. They could have pushed for a minimum wage hike — AND put a COLA into the minimum wage — during Genocide Joe's first two years.

We haven't even mentioned the Democrats stealing the Green New Deal, watering it down, then not passing it. Democrats don't take climate change seriously. They'll lie about that, though.

We haven't even talked about AOC, a fraud already years ago.

That said, let's look at the board and advisors, per the about page.

The one non-kiddie pool board member? First is Randi Weingarten. Signer of that bullshit Harper's letter of 2020. Second is Olivia Troye, a Nat-Sec Nutsacks™ member who worked in Mike Pence's office when he was Veep. Seriously, she's a piece of fucking work. Third is Rania Batrice, a Palestinian-American sellout of her own people, as she's stanning for genocide.

Advisors? Michele Alexander (NOT the New Jim Crow author) is also a sellout of Palestinians, stanning for Harris despite her past with Physicians for Human Rights and DAWN/MENA plus Human Rights Watch. Joely Fisher? Hollywood Democrat eye candy. Sari Beth Rosenberg? History teacher who apparently doesn't teach students enough about the Nakba. Fred Wellman? Bankrupt friend of Lincoln Project guru Steve Schmidt.

Santiago Mayer may have been sincere in founding the organization, but he's willingly let himself be co-opted. Think of him as a BlueAnon Charlie Kirk if you want to be cynical. Shit, for all I know, this may be like Chuckles and that's not cynicism.

Anyway, all of you, along with Shepard Fairey? Fuck off. Per Drop Site News, this is the type of horror you support. Or this. And this is the contempt for international law you support.

And Muslim voters don't like you:

Yes, Trump feels the same way. And? You have an option to be ethical. And have chosen wrongly.

Tim O'Hare? I blame Beto

The Trib and Pro Publica have a long story on Tarrant County's nutbar county judge. And, nutbar he is.

A large part of the nutbar is Wilks and Dunn type Christian nationalism. 

That said, for non-Texans? No, county judge isn't really like a mayor. Rather, it's like an elected county executive in many other Southern states. That's how Mitch the Turtle McConnell got his political start. Yes, the county judge, like a mayor in a council-mayor city government, presides over meetings and such. But, like a city manager, the county judge sets the agenda, oversees all non-elected county offices and departments, etc., etc.

His own Republican predecessor essentially calls him Manichean.

Oh, O'Hare is a dickhead, too.

Cutting someone off AND having them taken out of the Commissioners Court meeting for going eight seconds over their allotted speaking time in public forum? Dickish.

And, this is nothing new. The main story, at top link, notes that he was this way ever since getting elected to Farmers Branch's city council nearly 20 years ago.

As for the I blame Beto?

I said after the 2022 election that, if R.F. O'Rourke hadn't done his "254 counties" schtick and had focused more on urban, suburban and nearby exurban counties, he had a better chance of winning. And, that would have meant more time in Tarrant County, which might have provided enough coattails for O'Hare's Democratic opponent to be elected, as the county shifted about 6 percentage points "redder" than 2018. Per that link, Fort Bend County in 2022 also reversed a trend of going bluer, as did Williamson. And, I said back in 2018 that Beto-Bob was a Dum Fuq for his "all 254" strategery that year in his Senate run. 

With all that said, the mind boggles over who Gilberto Hinojosa, skipper of the SS Texas Democratic Minnow, and party stalwarts, will come up for on the gubernatorial race in 2026. We had Beto-Bob two years ago, Loopy Lupe Valdez in 2018, Pink Tennies Wendy Davis in 2014 and Bland Bill White in 2010. Hey, Gilberto, neither one of the Castro brothers are saving you. Mark Cuban as a celebrity candidate is bigly unlikely.

Finally, no, #BlueAnon nutters, Kenny Boy Paxton did not make Beto lose.

October 16, 2024

Counterpunch and India: Cluelessness on reality

Counterpunch sounds semi-incredulous that India's Army Chief of Staff would salute Israel's booby-trapping pagers, even noting India has faced that before. 

Really? This IS the Islamophobic BJP ruling India. Since Narendra Modi's ascent to the prime minstership, he has drawn ever closer to Israel. You know, like Tulsi Gabbard.

Yes, India has signed various international conventions against this. So has the US, and that hasn't stopped Genocide Joe from cutting blank checks to Bibi.

This story also ignores Modi's own role, when head of that state, in the 2002 Gujarat riots.

And, Gen. Upendra Dwivedi was just appointed this summer. Likely has Modi political ties.

If this was meant to be rhetorical? It fell flat on its face.

Meanwhile, Counterpunch continues to flack anti-BDSer Noam Chomsky, as well as duopoly sell-out Ralph Nader, which I mentioned a week ago.

October 15, 2024

Texas Progressives see Kenny Boy Paxton lose again

The first abortion aid lawsuit enabled under SB 8 has been dropped. And, that shithead Jonathan Mitchell refused to comment. Side note: Will this give ballot opponents of an abortion remains ban in Amarillo more ammunition?

Parts of 2021's SB 1, about voter assistance, were struck down last week. U.S. District Judge Xavier. Rodriguez cited the 1965 Voting Right Act. Unfortunately, it's too late to change forms for this election, which means some voters, and those assisting them, will still feel intimidated, which is the whole purpose. Why it took this long for a ruling to be made? Presumably, dilatory tactics by Kenny Boy Paxton are part of it. (That said, other parts of the bill were already struck down.)

Kenny Boy also had part of a state statute declared unconstitutional on him last week.

The Fifth Circuit has removed Judge Janis Jack from overseeing the long-ongoing case over problems with Texas' foster care system. The plaintiffs' lawyer said they will appeal. No indication on whether or not the ruling can be stayed during the appeal. As for the Fifth Circuit panel and its mindset? Tex-ass deserves getting roasted at times. And, the three? Edith Jones, a Reagan appointee, might seem less wingnut than a Shrub Bush or Trumpy one. Wrong. She's faced allegations of racism and more in the past. Cory Wilson? Authored the Fifth Circuit ruling saying the Congressional ban on people with domestic violence history owning guns was unconstitutional, which was overturned by the Supreme Court; he's a Trump appointee. Edith Clement? Another wingnut of sorts, but one with less in the way of being memorable. Both she and Jones were allegedly on Shrub's shortlist for the SCOTUS seat that went to Roberts.

SocraticGadfly looked at the one-year anniversary of Oct. 7, 2023, mainly at much of "mainstream media" giving passes to mainstream politicians.

The Monthly offers a preview of the Cancun Ted Cruz vs ConservaDem Colin Allred Oct. 15 debate, with questions it would like to see asked. Especially on Israel-Gaza, the questions are shit, because Biden's "urging" that the conflict cease is itself shit.

TxDOT is paying a bunch of money to take back the south Houston loop tollway, Texas 288 (not to be confused with the Texas 288 loop in Denton) from the private contractor that built it. When Danny Goeb lies about the benefits of the takeover, you know Texans are being screwed. Of course, per the story, the big lie is about the need for it in the first place.

Off the Kuff interviewed Railroad Commissioner candidate Katherine Culbert and CD14 candidate Rhonda Hart

Space City Weather does not want to hear your crap about "controlling the weather".  

Paradise in Hell translates JD Vance. 

The TSTA Blog urges you to join the fight against vouchers.  

El Paso Matters explains why "mass deportation" would be really bad for Texas.  

Nonsequiteuse makes the case against a Steve Radack comeback.  

The Bloggess learns something about wasps while decorating for Halloween.

October 14, 2024

Federal judge: Texas statute Kenny Boy Paxton is using to harass groups he doesn't like is unconstitutional

Texas' "request to examine" lawsuit, ever more abused by Kenny Boy Paxton, has been struck down by a federal judge as unconstitutional. The Trib links to Bloomberg Law, which cites Mark Lane's reasoning about the statute, more than a century old:

Judge Mark Lane of the Western District of Texas said his decision “wasn’t that hard” because Texas’ Request to Examine statute doesn’t expressly allow a served party to pursue pre-compliance judicial review before producing requested records. ...
Lane said the Request to Examine statute was written for another time, and that recently it has been “frankensteined” by Paxton’s office to include exceptions that don’t appear in the law. The law requires immediate production of requested records, leaving a served party no chance to seek pre-compliance judicial review. The US Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that a served party is entitled to a court’s review in Los Angeles v. Patel.

There you go.

The Trib wonders how this will play out in state courts, vis-a-vis individuals who have no presence outside Texas. That said, the Sixth and Eighth Amendments have been fairly, if not totally, "federalized," so I don't think state courts can really ignore this.

Too bad the 200-plus-year-old US Constitution doesn't get more and more judicial rulings about being from another time.

October 12, 2024

Third party news roundup, Oct. 11

Although Claudia de la Cruz will be my protest vote within a protest vote, her campaign never responded to me asking by email why she had yet to register to attend a third-party candidate forum, the Free and Equal Elections Debate, to which she had been invited. Other than travel costs from NYC to LA, it's FREE exposure! 

Hey, Claudia? The few bucks I might have given you personally or PSL? Maybe not.

I emailed a second time. We'll see if I hear back.

(Hey, Cort Greene? In 2028, I COULD vote for the SWP cultist party. But won't.)

Next, though I'm protesting against Jill Stein, the Abandon Harris movement, formerly Abandon Biden, has officially endorsed her. That's unlike Lexie Zeidan and fellow DSA Rosey shitheads at the "Uncommitted" movement, whom I originally called "Abandon Biden" but who have no actual connection to any "Abandon" movement. They're "committed" — to keep supporting genocide.

The Democraps are doubling down on the "A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump" bullshit. You don't own my vote, as I said in 2016 and spelled out in 2020 (with a GP skeptical analysis) so fuck off. Reminder: Even in a swing state like Georgia with a large Libertarian Party, you never hear Rethuglicans doing this.


Update: For Cort Greene and any SWP cultists he drags here in his train? 

First, there are plenty more things in life to focus on than intra-Trot fights, Trot vs Tankie fights, Trot vs Maoist fights, or pseudo-Trot Zionist fights against all of the above! Remember, that's who today's SWP is. As for Cort's Fashbusters, given that the "about" page really doesn't have anything about it, the simplest conclusion is that it's SWP fellow-travelers/front-group/entryism project. I still haven't forgotten about entryism, dude.

Second, one can oppose what China is doing in Xinjiang, and in Tibet, AND oppose US foreign policy spinning on it AND oppose American stanners for Beijing like Max Blumenthal. Not hard to do.

Third, one can express legitimate concerns about Iran, while calling out blind hatred of Iran that's driven by Zionism.

Fourth, back to the start of the first point? Go hiking. Take a walk in your city park, or in a state or national recreation area. Watch butterflies. Cook something, like a frittata. I've done all in the past four days. In other words, get a life.