SocraticGadfly: NYT makes it ‘official’ that McCain is race-baiter as well as liar

September 23, 2008

NYT makes it ‘official’ that McCain is race-baiter as well as liar

Starting by calling out Georgia Congressman Lynn Westmoreland’s “uppity” comment about Barack Obama, the Times editorial page rolls the ball forward, starting with calling out McCain for his Obama is “disrespectful” to Palin commercial.

The editorial correctly notes the history of the use of the word “disrespectful” in black male-white female relationships in the South.

To put it even more bluntly than the Times, being “disrespectful” was a lynching offense.

Schmuck Talk, you’ve got more than ’splaining to do. You’ve got some disavowing and repudiating to do.

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