SocraticGadfly: Abortion, Amarillo and avarice

July 10, 2024

Abortion, Amarillo and avarice

I had a group of related items that, once the last one came up on my radar screen, I pulled from this week's Texas Progressives Roundup to run separately.

Amarillo nutters, after the city council rejected it, have Mark Lee Dickson's abortion travel ban on the November ballot as a referendum. I've written about Dickson's lies before.

Off the Kuff also looked to Amarillo and its forthcoming vote on an abortion "travel ban".

Do Texas crisis pregnancy centers help anybody? ProPublica asks


But an investigation by ProPublica and CBS News found that the system that funnels a growing pot of state money to anti-abortion nonprofits has few safeguards and is riddled with waste.

Is the nut graf.

And here:

In some cases, taxpayers are paying these groups to distribute goods they obtained for free, allowing anti-abortion centers — which are often called “crisis pregnancy centers” and may be set up to look like clinics that perform abortions — to bill $14 to hand out a couple of donated diapers.
Distributing a single pamphlet can net the same $14 fee. The state has paid the charities millions to distribute such “educational materials” about topics including parenting and adoption; it can’t say exactly how many millions because it doesn’t collect data on the goods it’s paying for. State officials declined to provide examples of the materials by publication time, and reporters who visited pregnancy centers were turned away.

Are some of the details.

That last part is important. These people, both the state officials and center officials are like rats or moles that don't want to see the light of day.

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