SocraticGadfly: Texas progressives: Kuffner kall-out and more!

July 10, 2024

Texas progressives: Kuffner kall-out and more!

Even after MSM DC insiders last week did a mix of a mea culpa, or rather, more, a tua culpa of finding other members of their tribe at fault for not reporting more in Dementia Joe's health, Philly broadcast media reporters admitted asking Joe Biden questions that his own staff submitted to them. And, then said they weren't pressured. In other words, they're willing flak.

Beyond the duopoly framing, Radley Balko has a scathing takedown of the Trump immunity ruling.

UT offers pro-Palestinian protestors probation instead of suspension. Well, that's something, something akin to shutting the barn door after the DPS thugs left it open, but not blaming the students for that. Will THIS finally lead Kuff to write ANYthing about Palestine? Nahh.

Congresscritter Lloyd Doggett calls on Biden to withdraw. Will THIS finally lead Kuff to write ANYthing about Biden's debate clusterfuck? Nahh. Kuff DID, in his weekend link dump, cite noted Blue Anon fellator, and also noted Zionist, Josh Marshall, in a paywall piece that fuck no, I don't pay to read Blue Anon Zionism.

Looking at that burning national political issue, SocraticGadfly first notes that the Philadelphia Inquirer blew it with its one-party presidential withdrawal editorial, then turned a gimlet eye on DC media insiders pointing fingers at each other over not reporting more, earlier, about Biden's health, then finished by noting that dueling insider leaks of "he's stepping down / no he's not"were reminiscent of Noam Chomsky being dead/not, two weeks earlier, as new manifestations of Schrödinger's Cat. Kuff, harder for you to hide!

On the issue of dropping out, timely nice national Democratic commissars are worried about Chicago 2024 being a repeat of Chicago 1968, Chris Hooks compares Biden to LBJ.

State judge Francisco Dominguez told Ken Paxton to go fuck himself over his harassment of Annunciation House.

Can Strangeabbott and his wheelchair (and underground border mineshafts?) hold out 30 more years? That's how long it will take to build his version of the border wall at current rates.

Texas drivers do suck.

The Observer talks about how Texans for Lawsuit Reform, which helped the state GOP pivot hard right, is now in the crosshairs of the harder right. That's even as wingnut trial lawyers have stretched civil litigation into strange new forms. Part of the problem? TLR supported Kenny Boy's primary challenger in 2022.

Blue Heron Farm will no longer be shopping at Tractor Supply. 

 Steve Vladeck notes that Chief Justice John Roberts has taken a sharp turn to the right. 

 Frank Strong recaps a month of not-bad school board activity.  

Reform Austin inquires about shark attacks. 

Finally, the TPA mourns the death of former Texas blogger Jack Cluth, who got his start down in Seabrook and remained true to his voice to the end

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