SocraticGadfly: More stupidity from Robert Wright

August 23, 2009

More stupidity from Robert Wright

The author of “The Evolution of God,” a banal and inaccurate attempt to harness the one-trick pony of “Nonzero,” is engaged in more of the same type of blathering on the NYTimes op-ed page.

This time, he’s trying to get atheists and theists to Kumbaya on evolution.

As in the book, in the column he promotes evolutionary “progress,” this time connecting it with convergence.

Here’s the kicker:
And, god-talk aside, these atheist biologists could try to appreciate something they still seem not to get: talk of “higher purpose” is not just compatible with science, but engrained in it.


Once again, I do not get what nontheists see in Wright.

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