SocraticGadfly: Another moronic Morning News op-ed

August 23, 2009

Another moronic Morning News op-ed

This one courtesy of the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal. Steven Malenga, senior editor there, after a passing reference to the “Gordon Gekkos,” of course says that people on the economic edges as to blame for not having a work ethic.

What an effing maroon. What about the “employer ethic”? He mentions “Gordon Gekkos” in passing but never chides them, especially for all the ways THEY, not the people at the edges, suck off the government teat.

And, Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” was based on the “wind up the clocklike world” divinity of Enlightenment Deism, an absurdity disproven by two world wars, atomic weapons, the Holocaust and quantum mechanics.

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