SocraticGadfly: Trans-Texas Corridor dead; GOP politics alive and kicking

January 07, 2009

Trans-Texas Corridor dead; GOP politics alive and kicking

Gov. Rick Perry, claiming the program was "misunderstood" by the Texas public, who apparently weren't collectively sheeple-ish enough for him, has weighed in on the "demise" of the Trans Texas Corridor. (And, could we just pay some Iraqis to "graciously detain" him for a while?

Uhh, yeah, right. Aside from the most extreme worries about a North American Union (the more moderate level concerns had some grounding), it's clear the public new just what was up, Gov. Helmethair?

And, was this all a matter of coincidence, anyway, on "dismantling" and renaming the TTC? The Texas Department of Transportation fixing to come under more direct oversight from the Lege, if it follows Sunset Commission recommendations, and Lil Rickster looking ahead to 2010.

Hutchison thinks not.

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