SocraticGadfly: Obama stimulus IS trickle-down

January 08, 2009

Obama stimulus IS trickle-down

At least on the tax side, and I don't need Tom Harkin to tell me that.

Anyway, the Iowan and other Senate Democrats aren't fully on board with all of President-elect Obama's stimulus package ideas.

As for the business hiring tax credit, North Dakota's Kent Conrad has the nut graf:
"If I'm a business person, it's unlikely if you give me a several-thousand-dollar credit that I'm going to hire people if I can't sell the products they're producing."

Or, to go back to Harkin, per Talking Points Memo, businesses, like individuals, getting tax cuts "are going to be salting it away, not spending it."

Oh, and talks about reining in Social Security right as Baby Boomers are looking at retirement, is both bad politics and bad policy.

Is B.O. really becoming that much of Bill Clinton II that quickly? It's surprising even me.

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