SocraticGadfly: Love Field kypes me out of $20

January 05, 2009

Love Field kypes me out of $20

I have complained about the incident I am detailing below:

I was overcharged for a Dec. 30-Jan. 4 parking trip at Love Field. Even though I was parked in the **B** lot for five days, I was charged at **A** lot rates. As it was after 11 p.m. when this happened, I was too tired to argue about it, or to think about arguing about it, at the parking booth at the time it happened.

Terminal ID: 07894276
Merchant ID: 800000789427006
Batch: 000278
Inv: 13
Date: Jan. 4, 2009
Time: 23:06:04
Auth no: 458966

Customer name, per my Visa card: XXX

I would appreciate your communication as quickly as possible as to how you will rectify this.

We'll see if I get any results.

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