SocraticGadfly: FISA renewal REALLY not urgent but bait-and-switch is

March 21, 2008

FISA renewal REALLY not urgent but bait-and-switch is

So, after BushCo’s attempted bitchslap of Congress did nothing on telecom immunity in FISA renewal, all of a sudden, Attorney General Mukasey is open to compromise.
“If somebody has some brilliantly creative compromise, I'm happy to hear that.”

This is a bait-and-switch Trojan horse, of course, because Mukasey then defines “brilliantly creative compromise” in BushCo terms, saying the just-passed House bill doesn’t count.

Obviously, this is a pre-Senate invasion softening-up bombardment. Look for a beached, dying, harpooned Jay Rockefeller to wash ashore shortly after Easter.

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