SocraticGadfly: Diehard Clintonite makes Freudian slip

March 22, 2008

Diehard Clintonite makes Freudian slip

Over at Talking Points Memo, Clintonite e-mailer MR sends this to Josh:
I have to say that I disagree with your entry stating that Clinton supporters have thrown in the towel and accepted that Barack Obama will be the nominee. Let me be clear, we will never back down until the fat lady sings. And that performance, which will be for the better, will be on the convention room floor. It will be an all out brawl!

We’re not backing down! The fight has just begun!!!! Pennsylvania is around the corner and a large victory is excepted. (Emphasis added.) Polls in West Virginia also strongly favor her. Polls in North Carolina that have favored Obama are now virtually tied. There will be big surprises in North Carolina.

Beyond the almost desperate use of multiple exclamation points, note the “excepted.”

As I e-mailed Josh, I believe MR meant to say:
Pennsylvania is around the corner and a large victory is expected.

Not QUITE the same as what MR said, who seems to be saying a Clinton victory in Pennsylvania is being “bracketed” as not being in the bag.

As I said in the header, a Freudian slip, perhaps?

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