SocraticGadfly: Does the Sierra Club practice what it preaches on global warming?

November 06, 2006

Does the Sierra Club practice what it preaches on global warming?

Every issue of my Sierra magazine has info on Sierra Club vacations.

Now, I’ve never been on one, for two reasons.

One, they cost way more than I can afford on my weekly newspaper editor’s salary. (Anybody who believes conservative myths about the “rich, liberal media” is clueless; the media that’s rich(er) sure isn’t liberal and the media that’s truly liberal generally isn’t rich, or close to it.)

Sierra uses a considerable chunk of the money from these trips as a fundraiser.

Anyway, I can do those trips cheaper myself, and I’ve been to a fair amount of those places in the U.S., outside of Alaska and Hawaii, already anyway.

But, seeing the latest offerings, I got to wondering about an environmental issue.

People — mainly people richer than I am — are flying from all across the country to take these trips. Why isn’t the Sierra Club practicing what it preaches on global warming and charging carbon offset costs for the distances these people travel by plane?

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