SocraticGadfly: Could Lewis resign?

November 08, 2006

Could Lewis resign?

Note: This is not rumor, it’s speculation. And, as it was speculation by a public person in a public setting, I don’t have any problem posting it here.

Dr. Bill Wells from Cedar Valley College was at the Duncanville Chamber of Commerce’s monthly luncheon today. Today Newspapers’ photo editor was at the same table.

According to him, Wells said he thought Superintendent Larry Lewis might resign at the end of the school year.

Now, I tend to doubt that, on several counts. Lewis has too much invested in International Baccalaureate to walk away. And, especially if he’s personalizing the last two bond elections, he’s likely to fight harder than leave… or, possibly, fight harder on his terms than compromise.

Nonetheless, I found it interesting, at least, that Wells would even broach that idea.

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