SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives talk this and that

February 14, 2024

Texas Progressives talk this and that

SocraticGadfly talks about GOP whackadoodles in the SBOE District 12 andHouse District 68 primaries.

The border trumps vouchers in GOP primaries, the Trib says, and I can attest.

Speaking of, Katrina "Bullets" Pierson makes, but does not top, Forrest Wilder's list of the most nutbar primary candidates.

The Dallas Fed says Texas job growth will slow down in 2024. Well, it actually slowed down in the second half of 2023. Does it mean it will slow down more, or were they asleep at the switch the last six months?

The Texas GOP executive committee passed a nothingburger resolution to ban antisemites from the party; it's a nothingburger because it doesn't name names like Former Fetus Forever Fuckwad Jonathan Stickland.

Travel bans vs shield laws on abortion and more will surely wind up at the Supreme Court.

Meat Austin Riley, fortunate enough to barely avoid becoming the Hill Country's Tim Treadwell.

Off the Kuff has one word for the latest defense motion in the Ken Paxton securities fraud trial.

Allegedly librul Texas municipal leaders hate Palestinians.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said the people of Eagle Pass want Greg Abbott & DPS out

The Eyewall explains the complex relationship between El Niño and California rain. 

Maria Hernandez Pinto writes that harsh border controls actually jeopardize the safety of U.S. citizens, mostly Black and brown border residents. 

Mean Green Cougar Red contemplates the extreme concentration of college football fandom among a handful of programs.

The TSTA Blog declares Greg Abbott a disaster for education.

Houstonia has grim news about the upcoming crawfish season.

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