SocraticGadfly: The curse of the downvoting chud on Reddit

January 25, 2024

The curse of the downvoting chud on Reddit

At one time, I thought getting rid of downvote buttons on social media sites was a bad thing. I even argued with others about that.

I stand corrected.

The downvote is hugely abused by people on Reddit, generally butt-hurt younger (given Reddit's profile) males who can't stand being contradicted. They'll downvote posts as well as comments. I suspect some of my Reddit followers are following me for that reason.

That  said, a winter vacation break from Reddit had accelerated growing disinterest in the site. If, as it claims it will do, Reddit launches its ong-rumored IPO in a month or so, we will see if that leads to yet more site changes.

Anyway, re the downvoting chud? I realized that, per comments about karma farming on places like r/geography, which I hadn't visited even before Christmas, that Reddit in general is indeed much like Facebook's old Zynga game Farmville.

Update, Feb. 4: I thought the MLB subreddit was halfway sane, but ran into a bunch of downvoting chuds there last week, all of them apparently butt-hurt Joey Votto fans who can't handle the truth about his lack of MLB future. Side benefit is that I've been off Reddit for the past 3 days in response.

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