SocraticGadfly: Houston, Metromess — less affordable than New York City

January 23, 2024

Houston, Metromess — less affordable than New York City

Houston — less affordable than New York City, per recent studies, as reported by the Monthly. (DFW isn't far behind.)  The gas costs of suburban sprawl is a big factor. And, want to save on that by moving into or near the central city? Gentrification will hit you on housing. The story also notes that Helltown would have had almost no population growth if not for "international migration."

Oh, and this is nothing new, even as Tex-ass elected folks don't listen. Three years ago, in a piece I wrote about myth vs. reality on Texas being Californicated, back then, Helltown and the Metromess were more pricey than the Big Apple.

Also, as I noted back then, it was the Metromess, not just Helltown, and for the second time in three years, the Monthly has ONLY tackled the latter. And, both times, it was the same author, Peter Holley, billed as a "senior editor" at the Monthly. I tweeted him to ask "why."

Shock me that once again, the "Texas miracle" ain't so much. On that last issue? It was the case a dozen years ago. Whether Ill Eagles or healthy immigrants with papers, already then, "Rick Perry's Texas miracle" was dependent on two things — oil and immigration. The first needs to be phased out; the second, even without Ed Abbey's "cancer" cautions about blind population growth, is a Ponzi scheme.


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