SocraticGadfly: Texas schools lawsuit ahead?

May 19, 2011

Texas schools lawsuit ahead?

Tricky Ricky, aka Gov. Helmethair, and a GOP with a supermajority in the state House and the equivalent of one in the state Senate still aren't likely to get a budget passed without a special session.

And, Perry admits that having to go to a special session will do plenty to mar the "Texas miracle" mythology he's been peddling to visiting Californios, etc.

And, the one they do pass is going to financially stiff school districts of money the state is legally obligated to pay them. Or was, coming up to this legislative session.

And, Perry is holding budget issues hostage while pushing for House Bill 9, his higher education "reform" bill, to be passed. (It would establish performance-based funding for state schools, based on six-year graduation rates with degrees in several key fields, targeting the graduation rate of "at risk students." Most minority-group advocacy organizations, such as NAACP and LULAC, run from somewhat opposed to strongly opposed.

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