SocraticGadfly: Ed Schultz is an Obamiac asshat

May 19, 2011

Ed Schultz is an Obamiac asshat

I've long suspected Schultz's prairie progressivism was more schtick than substance. (Kids, that's alliteration in the service of journalism; don't try this at home alone.) Given his previous, pre-Obama tendencies and political leaniongs, there's also been reason to suspect why it's fakery. Ed used to be a wingnut.

Anyway, there's good proof of that.

He's apparently a blank-check defender of Obama's Bush-like views on extensive executive power in foreign affairs, or at least can't stand to see an action of Obama's (in this case, the bin Laden killing) questioned.

He's enough of an asshat to actually call into David Sirota's radio talk show and take Sirota to task for asking the very questions Ed would ask were he a real progressive. Here you go (h/t Salon):

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