SocraticGadfly: Note to Digby: I don't wear team jerseys

March 23, 2011

Note to Digby: I don't wear team jerseys

Blogger Digby can be quite interesting, usually insightful, often spot-on.

But, per this blog post, about how humanitarian our motives in Libya may or may not be, she may be a part of the problem herself, to some degree:
People keep asking me if I support Dennis Kucinich's call to impeach Obama for failing to get congressional authorization for the operation in Libya. Actually no, and not because Obama wears my team jersey.
I take away from this that she wears "the Democratic team jersey."

Sorry, Digs, but until you're ready to start advocating third-party voting, your anger at the D.C. Village, neoliberal pseudoliberal Democrats, etc., just isn't enough.

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