SocraticGadfly: Feds ignore Countrywide but chase subprime small fry

March 25, 2011

Feds ignore Countrywide but chase subprime small fry

So, former Countrywide Financial CEO Angelo Mozilo is off the hook for floating tens of thousands of subprime mortgages, including thousands of "liar's loans."

But, TAKE OUT a liar's loan, and, as Joe Nocera details, the feds spare no effort in convicting you and sending you to the federal pokey.

That said, beyond that, the person the feds put away? They had a weak case, Nocera said.

Now, isn't that what was claimed with Nocera? With Dick Fuld of Lehman?

Oh, the final "irony? Charlie Engle "lied" (it's arguable he didn't) ... to Countrywide.

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