SocraticGadfly: Arab League goes hypocritical on Libya

March 20, 2011

Arab League goes hypocritical on Libya

Did the Arab League, whose support for the current air action against Libya was crucial to internationalizing its support, really think there would be no casualties? Or, did you think the U.S. wouldn't make the no-fly zone easier to enforce by taking out Ligyan air capacity?

Stop complaining, whether it's from hypocrisy or cluelessness.

That said, it's really not "internationalized." It's the U.s., with a dash of lapdog Britain and a little French opening elan, since President Nicolas Sarkozy is facing an election soon. Surprised Berlusconi isn't flying a few planes over Libya to obscure his possibly pending trial.

Meanwhile, U.S. talking heads are all over the place on this issue. Neocons talking abou8t our image in the Arab world. What a laugh.

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