The idea that Cornyn, who sometimes flirts with the edges of reality, thinks Obama’s asking people to report GOP and ’winger Astroturf groups lies and misinformation about healthcare issues is sending secret information to the president, this one is so laughable, in part, because Cornyn knows tea-baggers better from personal experience:
First, Obama the (actual) violator of civil liberties could have his telco immunity buddy, AT&T, team up with the NSA and take care of this in secret if he really were of the mindset Cornyn attributes to him.
Second, people can send their e-mails through routers or anonymizers.
Third, they can stop sending lying e-mails! Hey, there’s an idea for Whackjob Cornyn!
Rather, I hope he ups the ante. Cornyn’s whining shows this might just stick. And, having seen these nutbars protest against HIM on the Fourth of July, he knows what they are like.
A longer video reminder of what Cornyn knows about these thuggery:
More information about actual thuggery on the jump.
In St. Louis, Rep. Russ Carnahan was the target, though liberals were prepared. The result? A big pre town-hall fracas, which included multiple apparent “assault by cop” actions against healthcare supporters.
Remember, police generally come from the more conservative elements of society.
In Wisconsin, a protestor claming to be “just a mom” with “not affiliated with any political party” gets exposed as a big liar — a member of the Republican National Committee.
And good on Steve Pearlstein of the WaPost for calling the lies of folks like this “a flat-out lie.”
By poisoning the political well, they've given up any pretense of being the loyal opposition. They've become political terrorists, willing to say or do anything to prevent the country from reaching a consensus on one of its most serious domestic problems.
And he closes with a note to the Jim DeMints of the world:
If health reform is to be anyone's Waterloo, let it be theirs.
Indeed, if we want to put this in terms of raw political calculus, this can be a counter-shift as big or bigger than Nixon’s “Southern strategy,” only this time, generational.
And now, astroturf-teabag intimidation spreads to unions
The latest? The St. Louis headquarters of the SEIU has received a threatening phone call – along with additional threats by Twitter.
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