SocraticGadfly: If ‘cramming’ for a Rorschach– or giving one …

July 30, 2009

If ‘cramming’ for a Rorschach– or giving one …

You have plenty of other “issues” besides the question of whether Wikipedia is now a Rorschach cheat sheet.

Beyond psychologists getting bent out of shape over 10 original Rorschach plates being posted by Wiki, just what does it test?

Have psychologists and psychiatrists ever demonstrated that?

Per who else but Wikipedia, the short answer is “no”:
Some researchers have raised questions about the objectivity of psychologists administrating the test; inter-rater reliability; the verifiability and general validity of the test; bias of the test's pathology scales towards greater numbers of responses; the limited number of psychological conditions which it accurately diagnoses; the inability to replicate the test's norms; its use in court-ordered evaluations; and the proliferation of the ten inkblot images, potentially invalidating the test for those who have been exposed to them.

So, some psychologists are protesting that their priesthood has been violated and a pseudoscientific central tenet has been revealed.

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