SocraticGadfly: Soros partner — Let Fannie-Freddie go bankrupt

September 09, 2008

Soros partner — Let Fannie-Freddie go bankrupt

While a pseudolib squish like Kevin Drum continues to link to a libertarian like Tyler Cowan who will nonetheless do philosophical headstands to justify the federal bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac “Let the patient go bankrupt.” Damn straight.

Rogers, known for launching the Quantum Fund with left-wing heavyweight George Soros, had plenty more where that came from.
“America is more communist than China is right now,” Rogers told CNBC Europe’s “Squawk Box Europe” Sept. 8. “You can at least have a free market in housing and a lot of other things in China. And you can see that this is welfare for the rich. This is socialism for the rich. It’s bailing out the financiers, the banks, the Wall Streeters.”

“Let the patient go bankrupt,” he said. “We have courts in America; they will be reorganized.”


Meanwhile, the WSJ gives us its take “on bailout winners and losers.

Back to my other rant, though. Drum’s drinking Cowan’s Kool-Aid more than one too many times makes me wonder, other than being a left-coast techie and early in blogger who is mainstream liberal on a couple of hot-button (to conservatives) social issues, why the hell did Washington Monthly ever hire him in the first place? Does he have some negatives of Paul Glastris?

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