SocraticGadfly: Clean air or political smog on DFW air quality?

September 10, 2008

Clean air or political smog on DFW air quality?

State Sen. Kim Brimer, R-Fort Worth organized a Metroplex air quality meeting at UT-Arlington yesterday, but his Democratic election opponent, Wendy Davis, charged him with “shameless election-year pandering.”

Bremer sponsored Senate Bill 1177 in the 79th Legislature in 2007, to require new air quality testing at Midlothian cement kilns but Davis charged that he had been AWOL or in opposition on several other air quality issue.

Two months left; with both House and Senate Republicans having a number of individual seats under strong challenge, and worried about losing control of the Lege, especially in the House, will we see more “hearings” held by various incumbents in coming weeks?

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