SocraticGadfly: Why enviros still don’t embrace nuke power

July 01, 2008

Why enviros still don’t embrace nuke power

(And that would be including me, to a fair degree.)

Nuclear plants violating safety regs 30 years on doesn’t inspire confidence in much of anything, other than the same plants and their ownership violating other nuclear regs for 30 years in a row if given half a chance.

And, these aren’t nitpicky, technical rules — they’re fire control regulations. And the Government Accountability Office says our country’s nuclear power plants average 10 fires a year.

The latest (as of 2004, the “latest”) NRC prescriptive rules have been adopted by less than half of the country’s nuclear power plants.

The report also says the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been unable to resolve many long-standing issues in this area.

Uhhh, it’s called massive fines? Shutdowns if necessary. Period.

The full story has a complete laundry list of cheap-assed jerry rigging. No, a power plant core hasn’t been threatened — yet.

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