SocraticGadfly: Texas Lege getting requests to allow breed-specific dog bans

July 03, 2008

Texas Lege getting requests to allow breed-specific dog bans

The city of Duncanville has officially memorialized the Texas Legislature, with Cedar Hill expected to follow, to get the Lege to change state law and allow cities to consider breed-specific dog bans. Cedar Hill and Duncanville have already both toughened their dog ordinances to require a $100,000 insurance policy or line of credit for owners of dogs officially declared dangerous.

I recently editorialized, encouraging the Lege to give cities more animal-control freedom.

That said, as I note, there are several legal issues. One is that there is no American Kennel Club breed called “pit bull.” Another, also noted in my column, is the animal-level version of the old “nature vs. nurture” argument on why some breeds of dog fight more.

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