SocraticGadfly: Long campaign not good for Democrats

March 27, 2008

Long campaign not good for Democrats

First, Dan Baltz is simply wrong when he talks about the benefits of a long Democratic primary contest.

On the turnout numbers, he ignores pretty clear information that a lot of Republicans crossed over in Texas’ open primary and re-registered to vote Democratic in Ohio’s semi-closed primary. Hell, he doesn’t even mention Rush Limbaugh and other right-wing talk radio people urging this.

Second, Kevin Drum has an incomplete version incomplete version of the backstory to Dick Scaife and Hillary Clinton having their now-infamous sitdown earlier this week.

Drum only talks about how Scaife seems to have moderated his opposition to the Clintons. He nowhere talks about the likelihood that Clinton approached Scaife, rather than the other way around, for this meet-up, just as she has used Drudge for quite some time.

Drudge is one thing, but the man willing to spend from his billionaire bucks to take down your husband’s presidency?

More proof a long campaign is not good for Democrats. Clinton’s approval numbers are down in the 30s with an 8-point drop-off; Obama saw a slighter decline. At the same time, Obama still struggles to finish shaking off Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

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