SocraticGadfly: Hillary IS ‘the vast right-wing conspiracy’

March 27, 2008

Hillary IS ‘the vast right-wing conspiracy’

The hook-up between Hillary Clinton and Dick Scaife, beyond her latest Rev. Jeremiah Wright comments, is provoking a whole bunch of additional thought in my mind. And yes, “hook-up” is deliberately chosen.

Clinton, of course, said, in a recent interview with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, the paper owned by the billionaire financier of the “vast right-wing conspiracy,” Rev. Jeremiah Wright would “would not have been my pastor” if she were a member at Barack Obama’s home church and Wright said some of the things attributed to him.

The comment was interesting enough, but the organ for it was the big thing.

And, it wasn’t just talking with PTR staff, it was talking with the oozing billionaire conspiracy leper himself:

And, for further viewing pleasure, Raw Story has video of this wondrous meet-up, or hook-up, or whatever.

This was the billionaire thorn in Bill and Hillary’s side from early in the days of their administration. This is the man who called Vince Foster’s death the “Rosetta stone” for his conspiracy theories. This is the many who funded the American Spectator to investigate the pseudo-issue of “Troopergate.”

I know politicians in general stereotypically have few principles.

But, this is at a whole different level of infinity, to deliberately get in bed with one of the ringleaders in the effort to try to destroy your husband’s presidency.

And, who initiated this meeting — Scaife or Clinton?

That’s not the only question this tête-à-tête brings to mind. Another, related one, comes up.

The second is the old Latin cui bono? Hillary’s getting something out of this, but what?

At the least, it’s a greater degree of cred with the GOPers changing their registration in Pennsylvania as we speak.

Is it more?

We know her campaign is way short on money compared to Obama. Is Scaife rounding up dinero from some wingers?

As far as the registration changes, is he organizing drives to do that?

There’s a lot here that still isn’t answered. But, knowing the history of the Clintons, while Hillary was easy with Scaife, she sure wasn’t cheap. (That’s better than saying “fellating,” right?)

As for Scaife, he gets to play kingmaker, distract his mind from his nasty divorce, and pretend that he’s getting his conscience assuaged.

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