First, note the source. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, mouthpiece of billionaire (at least, until his divorce is finalized) wingnut Richard Mellon Scaife.
And, here is the picture that should get every Democratic superdelegate to vote for Obama instead of her: Hillary Clinton talking to the oozing sore of winger finance himself:
We know, from the Tribune-Review story, that at least three editorial staff interviewed Clinton for 90 minutes or more. AND, we know that she met with Scaife himself.
That's obvious not only from the picture, but Raw Story has video of this wondrous meet-up, or hook-up, or whatever.
This was the billionaire thorn in Bill and Hillary’s side from early in the days of their administration. This is the man who called Vince Foster’s death the “Rosetta stone” for his conspiracy theories. This is the many who funded the American Spectator to investigate the pseudo-issue of “Troopergate.”
I know politicians in general stereotypically have few principles.
But, this is at a whole different level of infinity, to deliberately get in bed with one of the ringleaders in the effort to try to destroy your husband’s presidency.
And, who initiated this meeting — Scaife or Clinton?
That’s the $64K question in my mind right now. It’s essentially a question of exactly what layer of Dante’s Inferno Hillary Clinton has selected for herself.
As I said above, seeing Hillary Clinton in bed with Dick Scaife should make every Democratic superdelegate, even the ones already committed to Clinton, vote for Obama — and announce right now they will vote for Obama.
Oh, and which comments should Obama disavow? Just the ones that push race issues or AIDS conspiracies too far, or the allegedly (but not actually) anti-American ones?
Or, anything that is “liberal,” since your campaign is sinking so low that you r next trick out of the GOP playbook is to try to label Obama with the “l-word”?
And, speaking of disavowals, all that’s fine, Hillary, but when are you going to disavow the Fellowship?
And, if we’re going to get into the disavowal game, are you going to disavow your own
But, back to the religion issue. I do believe valid questions about the Obama-Wright relationship still exist, but I also believe you, Hillary Clinton aren’t anywhere near the first person to be in good standing to raise those questions.
As for needing a “spiritual advisor” in general, Martin Luther said he would rather be ruled by a good (governmentally speaking) Turk than a bad Catholic. ALL the remaining major party candidates should reflect on that, though none will.
Wouldn’t you, religious people, rather be ruled by a good atheist who doesn’t need a spiritual advisory?
Needed: single, orphaned, childless atheist to run the country.
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