SocraticGadfly: Taking child abuse seriously

April 04, 2007

Taking child abuse seriously

Improperly funding Child Protective Services in Texas is just as criminal as improperly funding Mental Health Mental Retardation services. And, like that, improper CPS funding is NOT a “liberal/conservative” issue. Also, to reduce it to coldly financial terms, if you don’t want to pay more in state tax moneys, you’re going to pay more in local school district property taxes, or county property and sales taxes, to deal with either problematic students or young criminals, as part of the fallout of abusive childhoods undetected or unaided.

Here’s much more on the problem.
The affects of abuse include learning disabilities, children disruptive in class for many, usually unconscious reasons, extra burdens on school nurses and more.

Superintendent Jennings Teel in Navasota and the other superintendents must bear these burdens, and the financial costs for their districts. And their teachers bear often being the first "eyes and ears" on noticing abused children.

It’s National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Let’s take it seriously.

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