SocraticGadfly: The dangers of our Libya involvement

March 25, 2011

The dangers of our Libya involvement

First, as I have noted before, there always were mliitary-related issues, such as mission creep, command and control, etc. And, those issues are raising their head right now, as allies continue to disagree on what the final goal of our work in Libya should be. Air power alone won't depose Gadhafi, unless ramped up to a point to offend Turkey and the Arab League, which really aren't on board with deposing him anyway.

For example, France has extended diplomatic recognition to the rebels. So, it's definitely going to have different strategy and aims.

As for that, those rebels, watch out what you ask for.

Both the Atlantic and the Wall Street Journal (h/t Salon) point out that the opposition to Gadhafi is not fully organized, but to the degree it IS organized, contains known Islamists, some of them of the same stripe that fought U.S. forces in Iraq.

Beyond Islamism, there's tribalism and other matters that reflect on the lack of organization, and lack of true national representation, in the Gadhafi opposition. More on that from McClatchy. That, in turn, means this current group could then devolve into civil war itself if it deposes Gadhafi.

And, Massimo Pigliucci, that's another reason you and other Wilsonian interventionists are wrong, and short-sighted to boot.

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