SocraticGadfly: Voters of Tomorrow? Full of shit, and even more, full of sellouts

October 17, 2024

Voters of Tomorrow? Full of shit, and even more, full of sellouts

I'm voting for the Communist, not Jill Stein, but I can still call out Blue Anon PR groups, who think they're cute, but are actually full of shit. And full of sellouts.

And, Voters of Tomorrow  founded by Santiago Mayer, is exactly that. Per their Wiki, they endorsed Genocide Joe in March, then Kamala is a ZionistCop as soon as she pushed him aside.

Now, per Stein's campaign email account, they're attacking her with a not-serious, and presumably full of shit, TikTok campaign.

Their website hoists them by their own petard:

Too many politicians have failed our generation by putting their futures over ours.

Really. As I said on Twitter, this would be:

Kamala is a Cop? Kamala is a Zionist Cop? Kamala is a Friend of Banksters?

There you go. Putting banksters and Zionists, and provoking Russia into unnecessary war, is putting your futures first how?

Also per their Wiki:

In 2022, Voters of Tomorrow published its "Gen Z Agenda," a legislative platform based on polling of college students nationwide. The platform contains policies including raising the minimum wage, abolishing the filibuster in Congress, protecting abortion rights, preventing gun violence, and combating climate change.[25][4] Voters of Tomorrow claims it lobbied The White House and over 100 Congressional offices on its "Gen Z Agenda" in 2022 and boasted its progress in certain areas.

Really? Dems could have done LOTS more to federalize Roe when Dear Leader was president, especially his first two years. They could have pushed for a minimum wage hike — AND put a COLA into the minimum wage — during Genocide Joe's first two years.

We haven't even mentioned the Democrats stealing the Green New Deal, watering it down, then not passing it. Democrats don't take climate change seriously. They'll lie about that, though.

We haven't even talked about AOC, a fraud already years ago.

That said, let's look at the board and advisors, per the about page.

The one non-kiddie pool board member? First is Randi Weingarten. Signer of that bullshit Harper's letter of 2020. Second is Olivia Troye, a Nat-Sec Nutsacks™ member who worked in Mike Pence's office when he was Veep. Seriously, she's a piece of fucking work. Third is Rania Batrice, a Palestinian-American sellout of her own people, as she's stanning for genocide.

Advisors? Michele Alexander (NOT the New Jim Crow author) is also a sellout of Palestinians, stanning for Harris despite her past with Physicians for Human Rights and DAWN/MENA plus Human Rights Watch. Joely Fisher? Hollywood Democrat eye candy. Sari Beth Rosenberg? History teacher who apparently doesn't teach students enough about the Nakba. Fred Wellman? Bankrupt friend of Lincoln Project guru Steve Schmidt.

Santiago Mayer may have been sincere in founding the organization, but he's willingly let himself be co-opted. Think of him as a BlueAnon Charlie Kirk if you want to be cynical. Shit, for all I know, this may be like Chuckles and that's not cynicism.

Anyway, all of you, along with Shepard Fairey? Fuck off. Per Drop Site News, this is the type of horror you support. Or this. And this is the contempt for international law you support.

Or this, since Biden admits helping kill Sinwar.

Shortly after the October 7 massacres, I directed Special Operations personnel and our intelligence professionals to work side-by-side with their Israeli counterparts to help locate and track Sinwar and other Hamas leaders hiding in Gaza.

And, Genocide Joe ignored the background of decades of Bibi and decades of Zionism leading to this point.

So did Kamala is a Zionist Cop in a statement almost identical to Genocide Joe's.

No wonder a lot Muslim voters don't like you, and actually support the Jill Stein that you hate:

Yes, Trump feels the same way. And? You have an option to be ethical. And have chosen wrongly.

You're sellouts, those of you I listed above who have claimed to support human rights, or who have a Palestinian background.

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