SocraticGadfly: Tim O'Hare? I blame Beto

October 17, 2024

Tim O'Hare? I blame Beto

The Trib and Pro Publica have a long story on Tarrant County's nutbar county judge. And, nutbar he is.

A large part of the nutbar is Wilks and Dunn type Christian nationalism. 

That said, for non-Texans? No, county judge isn't really like a mayor. Rather, it's like an elected county executive in many other Southern states. That's how Mitch the Turtle McConnell got his political start. Yes, the county judge, like a mayor in a council-mayor city government, presides over meetings and such. But, like a city manager, the county judge sets the agenda, oversees all non-elected county offices and departments, etc., etc.

His own Republican predecessor essentially calls him Manichean.

Oh, O'Hare is a dickhead, too.

Cutting someone off AND having them taken out of the Commissioners Court meeting for going eight seconds over their allotted speaking time in public forum? Dickish.

And, this is nothing new. The main story, at top link, notes that he was this way ever since getting elected to Farmers Branch's city council nearly 20 years ago.

As for the I blame Beto?

I said after the 2022 election that, if R.F. O'Rourke hadn't done his "254 counties" schtick and had focused more on urban, suburban and nearby exurban counties, he had a better chance of winning. And, that would have meant more time in Tarrant County, which might have provided enough coattails for O'Hare's Democratic opponent to be elected, as the county shifted about 6 percentage points "redder" than 2018. Per that link, Fort Bend County in 2022 also reversed a trend of going bluer, as did Williamson. And, I said back in 2018 that Beto-Bob was a Dum Fuq for his "all 254" strategery that year in his Senate run. 

With all that said, the mind boggles over who Gilberto Hinojosa, skipper of the SS Texas Democratic Minnow, and party stalwarts, will come up for on the gubernatorial race in 2026. We had Beto-Bob two years ago, Loopy Lupe Valdez in 2018, Pink Tennies Wendy Davis in 2014 and Bland Bill White in 2010. Hey, Gilberto, neither one of the Castro brothers are saving you. Mark Cuban as a celebrity candidate is bigly unlikely.

Finally, no, #BlueAnon nutters, Kenny Boy Paxton did not make Beto lose.

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