SocraticGadfly: Texas news roundup

August 22, 2024

Texas news roundup

The national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, politely and indirectly, basically told Donald Trump to go fuck himself for his "asinine" Medal of Honor comments. Will this sway many #MAGAts in the local VFW posts, not to vote for Kamala Harris instead of Trump, but to stay home or to ponder Chase Oliver or other options? Probably not. Maybe a few.

Kenny Boy Paxton threatens to sue the State Fair over its gun ban. And, of course, the gun nuts are out of the woodwork with the usual "good guy with a gun" comments. A Texas doctor, in a new book, forcefully challenges such stupidity. That's as wingnut groups are trying to overturn red flag laws in other states.

Kenny Boy IS suing an immigrant aid group. The "no political speech by nonprofits" state law is never enforced against wingnut groups and we all know that.

Legiscritters want to further cut property taxes, rather than help public schools they've thrown in the ditch, with an alleged surplus they'll have next year. Let's not forget, as The Great Recession showed, that surpluses can disappear and that, when they do, our banana republic every-other-year Legislature can be up the creek without a paddle when that happens. And, why is a Trib reporter acting as a moderator?

Troy Nehls "allegedly" has a homophobic workplace? Shock me. Oh, and if you're a staffer, working for a Congresscritter wingnut, wouldn't you expect this in the first place?

The state is likely undercounting heat-related deaths? Even more seriously, shock me.

Bugs for food? Of course that triggers wingnuts, even though Mormon pioneers in Utah ate the grasshoppers of early days infestations. And, even though the Christian bible says John the Baptizer lived on "locusts and wild honey."

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