SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives talk juvenile justice, free speech, more

August 07, 2024

Texas Progressives talk juvenile justice, free speech, more

SocraticGadfly eyeballed the Department of Justice investigation of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, especially the Gainesville State School.

The Trib says being a rural wingnut in a natural disaster means distrusting state and local as well as federal governments, with the problem compounded by lesser infrastructure. Know what? I don't feel sorry for these folk, including in my part of Tex-ass.

Do kids have a right to get a Facebook account without parental consent and without Hucksterman age-IDing them, or will the Lege's Porn Hub-like bill on social media stand? The state's being sued over it. I haven't combed through every detail of SB 18, but, if it's not TOO restrictive, it could stand.

Texas State at San Marcos is muzzling pro-Palestinian free speech based on Gov. Greg Abbott's spring executive order trying to force that. Per that second link, Hillel has become nothing but Zionist shills. Too bad Kuff still hasn't written about pro-Palestinian protestors, even in his Houston backyard.  

Off the Kuff looked at the July campaign finance reports for a group of Democratic legislative candidates.

Laura Pressley is at it again.

The oil patch is now officially Tex-ass' version of Pacific Gas and Electric. Unregulated power lines in the oilfield are believed to have caused multiple Panhandle wildfires. So far, per the piece, state Legiscritters have little inclination to take regulatory bill-writing action next year. As for people on the ground, if you keep voting for people like this? Know what? I don't feel that sorry for you.

A lawsuit over the state's un-air-conditioned prisons has gone to court.

CenterPoint's generators deal with Life Cycle Power is drawing plenty of of scrutiny. Time will tell if that of Dannie Goeb is real or faux.

Tex-ass wingnuts hating on Ill Eagles continues to undercut the future of the Pecos cantaloupe.

Harris County Democrats have erased Sam Rayburn.

Seymour Hersh talks about his effort to track down Lt. William Calley to break the My Lai story. Calley, who died earlier this year in obscurity, only had his death publicly reported last week.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said Mayor Whitmire’s press conference announcing a new Houston Police Chief ignored preservation of democracy as an essential public safety issue. 

 The Texas Signal attended a call on "Trump abortion bans". The Lone Star Project compares Ted Cruz's weirdness to JD Vance's. 

The Dallas Observer asks how megachurches whose pastors have been accused of sexual misconduct can move forward. 

Boycott Valero.

 Reform Austin tracks the Texas connections to Project 2025.

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