SocraticGadfly: Jill Stein, Veep panderfesting?

August 07, 2024

Jill Stein, Veep panderfesting?

Jill Stein, Veep panderfesting? Say it ain't so, but per Al Jazeera, she's getting somebody to ignore her boundless investments hypocrisy as she talks up her Veep choices:

The candidates are Abed Ayoub, executive director at the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC); Amer Zahr, a Palestinian American activist; and Jacqueline Luqman, a journalist and activist.
All three have been vocal critics of Israel and the US’s unflinching support for the war on Gaza. Stein, a physician and activist, herself is a longtime supporter of Palestinian rights.

First, the first of these would be the executive director of the group that, per Independent Political Report, did NOT include anybody to the left of Stein in its internal presidential preference poll.

In addition to the above, the first and second are both from Michigan, home of Stein's lesser-evilism based 2016 recount. And, it WAS lesser-evilism based. It was only some time after it was launched that some Stein flaks and flunkies explained on the then-active GP official Facebook group that she couldn't have asked for a recount in a couple of other close states. Stein herself didn't mention that at the time of the recount.

If she causes Michigan to break for Trump and that's his margin of victory over Harris, will Stein do another lesser evilism recount?

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