SocraticGadfly: PRO Gainesville going to jail!

July 19, 2024

PRO Gainesville going to jail!

As someone who saw the whole original 20-minute video? Per the details of their emergency appeal to the Supreme Court, via Courthouse News

It's not just the ACLU and ACLU of Texas that appear to be lying, and lying to the three defendants, as I said a few weeks ago.

The trio themselves — Amara Ridge, Torrey Henderson and Justin Thompson — also appear to be lying.

I saw the whole 20-minute video when it was posted immediately after that march, and wrote about it.

Therefore this statement:

“No evidence showed that applicants themselves intentionally or knowingly blocked any traffic or rendered any street impassable or unreasonably inconvenient or hazardous,” the protesters wrote in their emergency application. “The court below nonetheless upheld applicants’ convictions based on the actions of unidentified others in the march — an unnamed bicyclist and ‘the crowd’ generally.”

Just don't ring true.

Up until seeing that, as I had not read every bit of trial transcript or appeals filing, I thought it was ACLU and ACLUTx leading the trio by the nose. But, at some point, since, contra nutter original attorney Alison Grinter, they're not "kids," contra her claims at that last link, the issue of responsibility for signing off on such an appeal arises. That includes them having plenty of opportunities to have read the ACLU pamphlet about rights for protests — including protest restrictions when you don't have a permit.

As for the claim, in essence that ...

We could serve our entire sentence before the Supreme Court hears our appeal!

There's no guarantee and VERY little likelihood the Supreme Court is granting cert, you Dum Fuqs. (And, yes, we're at that point. Both the trio, and state and national ACLUs.) Get a clue and get a grip. Or don't, and get called out more. As noted in my previous update, SCOTUS didn't give Steve Bannon a stay.

I still support the idea of either moving the Cooke County Confederate statue, maybe to the Great Hanging site, or else putting a motion-activated audio player at the statue's current location.

But, the methodology of PRO Gainesville's leaders has left me colder yet.

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